The Pete and Jameer Nelson Foundation
The Pete and Jameer Nelson Foundation strives to enhance, empower, and encourage success in our student-athletes and provide them the resources they need to pursue their dreams. The Foundation takes a multidimensional approach to developing youth by offering academic, social and athletic programs to its participants. The goal of this approach is to promote excellence in all areas of life and assist in building confident, educated, and prepared young student-athletes.
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Our Mission
The Pete and Jameer Nelson Foundation is committed to providing academic, social, and athletic development to young student-athletes in the Chester/Philadelphia region while enhancing each child’s opportunity to reach their full individual potential throughout all areas of life.
Our Vision
The Pete and Jameer Nelson Foundation strives to enhance, empower, and encourage success in young people in grade four and above and to provide them with the resources they need to pursue their dreams. The Foundation takes a multidimensional approach to developing youth by offering academic, social and athletic programs to its participants. The goal of this approach is to promote excellence in all areas of life and assist in building confident, educated, and prepared individuals as they pursue their dreams.
The Pete and Jameer Nelson Foundation values the development of youth in all areas of life. Our approach to development is thorough because it encompasses multiple aspects necessary to grow as students, athletes, and individuals. Our goal as an organization is to help our participants reach their potential and ensure that as they progress through their lives and careers they’re able to thrive as a result of the many life skills and habits they developed through our programming.
Core Pillars:
– Academic Development
– Social Development
– Leadership Development
– Athletic Development
Helping Youth and Their Families Change the Trend
The Pete and Jameer Nelson Foundation seeks to work with underprivileged youth in the Chester and surrounding Tri-State areas. Given the dire need for resources in these locations, we believe we have a tremendous opportunity to help with the development of children who otherwise may not have access to valuable resources.
Below are some important statistics that highlight the need for academic and social developmental resources with the audiences we are aiming to reach:
Education Statistics
– Among those 25 years old and over in the city of Chester, 79.5% have a high school degree or higher while only 10.2% achieve a Bachelor’s degree or higher.[1]
– In the 2016-2017 school year, the average tuition for an in-state student at a public Pennsylvania college was $11,022
– The average rate of inflation in college costs is around 5%.[2] If that trend continues, the cost of one-year’s tuition five years from now will be $14,067. Tens years from now it will be $17,954.
– The College Board estimates that, on average, a college student in the United States spends around $1,200 a year on books and supplies[3]
Income Statistics
– In 2015, 34.6% (30,961 people) of Chester residents for whom poverty status is determined live below the poverty line. The average for the state of Pennsylvania is 17% and the average for the United States is 14.7%.[4]
– As of February, 2017, Chester has an unemployment rate of 8.6% compared to the national rate of 4.7%[1]
– In 2015, the estimated median household income in Chester was $28,399. The average in the state of Pennsylvania is $55,702
– Nearly 2,000 households (17%) have an income of less that $10,000 compared to 6.7% of households in the state of Pennsylvania.
– 46.3% of children live below poverty level compared to 19% in the state of Pennsylvania[2]
[1] City-Data (http://www.city-data.com/city/Chester-Pennsylvania.html)
[2] Vanguard (https://vanguard.wealthmsi.com/collcost.php#)
[3] CNBC Report (http://www.cnbc.com/2014/01/28/college-textbook-costs-more-outrageous-than-ever.html)
[4] DATAUSA (https://datausa.io/profile/geo/chester-pa/#economy)
Economic Trends
As a native of the Chester, Pennsylvania, Jameer Nelson has always had a desire to give back to his community in meaningful ways. As evidenced by the following statistics, the need for economic relief in this area is paramount to the success of many children hoping to escape a life of financial struggle:
– In 2015, the average median income for a household in Chester was $27,365 while the average in the state of Pennsylvania was $53,599 (a 96% increase)[1]
– 34.6% of Chester’s population lives below the poverty line compared to 14.7% nationally[2]
– Of those in Chester that live below the poverty line, 65% are of African American descent
[1] DATAUSA (https://datausa.io/profile/geo/chester-pa/#economy)
[2] DATAUSA (https://datausa.io/profile/geo/chester-pa/#economy)
College Tuition
One of the most significant trends concerning the mission of The Pete and Jameer Nelson Foundation is the rising cost of college tuition. With an annual inflation rate in the range of 5% (and climbing at a steeper rate than general inflation), tuition is becoming less affordable for those who need it most. According to the College Board, the average cost of tuition and fees for the 2016-2017 school year nationwide was $33,480 at private colleges, $9,560 for state residents at public colleges, and $24,930 for out-of-state residents attending public universities. Room and board ranged from $10,000-$12,000 and the average college student spends about $1,200 a year on books and supplies. Additionally, during the 2016-17 school year the average cost for an in-state student at a public Pennsylvania university was over $11,000, and this number is sure to rise in the coming years.
With the costs for education steadily increasing, we wish to develop a Foundation that enables deserving students an opportunity to pursue higher-level education, despite any financial limitations. Additionally, we hope to prepare students for the many challenges and opportunities they will encounter while pursuing a college degree. By ensuring students are prepared for the rigors of college and easing the burden of tuition payments, we will help deserving students maximize their educational potential and create better lives for themselves.
As an organization that strives to ease the burden of educational costs for low-income families, we see a tremendous opportunity to make a college education more attainable. Through our programming – and in particular our Scholar Program – we will be able to significantly decrease the cost of a college education while also ensuring that our participants have the life skills and habits necessary to help them thrive once they arrive on a college campus.
[1] Home Facts (http://www.homefacts.com/unemployment/Pennsylvania/Delaware-County/Chester.html)
[1] City-Data (http://www.city-data.com/poverty/poverty-Chester-Pennsylvania.html)
Athletic Endeavors
In addition to the educational trends that are relevant to the mission and vision we have, we’re sure to always be cognizant of athletic patterns and statistics, particularly those pertaining to NCAA and professional participation and competition. As an organization, we will never dissuade a young person from chasing their athletic goals of playing at the collegiate of professional levels. However, it is important to keep proper perspective on the likelihood of competing at either level.
Table A: property of NCAA “2017 Probability of Competing Beyond High School Figures and Methodology” Study

Athletic Statistics
– 6.1% of men’s high school athletes compete at the NCAA level
– 8.1% of women’s high school athletes compete at the NCAA level
– 2% of men’s high school athletes compete at the NCAA Division-I level
– 2.9% of women’s high school athletes compete and the NCAA Division-I level